Style Matters!
When talking to someone, it is our eyes that we are communicating with. More than our clothes. More than our hair cut. More than our shoes. Frame styles matter. It only stands to reason, your glasses are the immediate accessory that everyone sees. Today, many people view their glasses as they do their jewelry. Would you always wear the same necklace with all of your different clothes? It is clear that style matters, so today we offer hundreds of different frame styles to choose from.
Quality Matters!
The shiny finish on eyeglass frames does not always tell you what the inner quality is about. There is a wide range in quality of frame materials. Because we work with these materials every day, we can provide you with expert knowledge regarding the quality of the frame materials. The quality of the material will dictate how long a frame will last. It will also determine whether it will mechanically serve the needs of the persons activities. We provide you with up to date information to help you select a frame that will best serves those needs.
We take into account factors that will apply to your occupation, hobbies, recreation or just day-to-day needs. For example, a construction worker will not have the same vision needs as a computer operator. An artist will not have the same vision needs as a welder. A fisherman will not have the same vision needs as a golfer. Our goal is to always select a frame that will serve you for the entire period until your next eye examination.
Design Matters!
It is important for our staff to understand your daily activities. In this way we will be better able to help you select a frame that works for your application. For example, someone who works at a computer needs a different frame design than someone who drives a truck.
As you visit our frame selection area you will see hundreds of frames. Be sure to ask questions. Selecting a frame is not the same as going to a store. We do not sell glasses at our office. We sell “Happy Vision”. The glasses as well as any of our other services are just a means to achieve an outcome of “Happy Vision”.
Our Optical Service provides high-quality frames and lenses for lifestyle, occupational, and recreational needs. Frames for all ages, infants to adults, are available. Our services range from spectacles for general use, to specialty lenses for sports, hobbies, or occupational use. As a courtesy, eye wear adjustments are provided without an appointment.